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Journey: Do you know where you’re going?

Do you know where you’re going? Do you know how to get there?

Your mind, body and soul are longing for peace. How can you find it? The first things we need to do it examine ourselves. Find out what we want to do. What are we passionate about? What really means something to us? Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you want to be doing?

Once you answer these questions, you are on your way. It is the beginning of your journey. It will help guide you and direct you to where you want to go. Is it daunting? Yes, it can be. But, we take it one day at a time. We plan things out. We make practical plans, decisions and this helps us order our steps.

As we do this, our mind, bodyan d soul will feel a peace that is harmonious and calming. This will give us the clarity we have been looking for. These three elements are interconnected and work together. When one is in turmoil, the others suffer. Haven’t you noticed that when you feel bad (physically) that your mind is not as sharp, it may be hard to concentrate or you can’t focus? This is an example of the interconnectedness of the mind, body and soul.

Let’s make sure we are on the correct road on our journey to peace. our whole being depends on it for peace’s sake 🙂

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