Dare 2 Lift It

Meet Matilde

The Motivator

My name is Matilde Hernandez, the founder of Dare 2 Lift It. I created this website and movement to help my community move past setbacks and reach their true potential.

In my past, I have dealt with teen pregnancy, molestation, being incarcerated and many other things that could be perceived as forever life altering and devastating situations. However, I now use what I have gone through and overcome as a beacon of light for other women who have had the same or similar issues.

There are things in life that try to hinder all of us. I’m not here to belittle other people’s setbacks and I won’t. However, things like molestation, teen pregnancy, incarceration, mental illness or rape are issues that have extreme effects on the outlook women have regarding their lives. Most of these things lead to very deep seeded mental barriers and even physical barriers that eventually have to be dealt with.

I am here for those who know these serious issues are holding them back in some or many areas. I am here to let you know the mistakes you have made do not have to hold you down. Things others have done to you do not have to hold you back, either. I am here to share with you what I have done to overcome obstacles and roadblocks.

I am also here to show you that you are not alone.

Many times you might feel you are the only one dealing with issues like these. Others may not understand how and why these things affect you in such a destructive way because they have not come even close to experiencing anything like it. They can’t relate so their solutions are many times, not a fit. The difference with me is that I can “relate” and I “want” to help.

You will find resources here in the form of my written blog posts, upcoming videos and reports to help lift you up and champion you on to your fullest potential.

Due to things I have gone through in the past some people find it surprising that I have broken through all the mess and achieved so much. I completed my college degree. I am a successful entrepreneur. I built and currently own a 5 star rated cleaning business with residential and commercial contracts. I proudly provide an economic impact in my community by hiring many employees (mainly women). I am also an in demand business mentor. Of most importance, I have gotten to a place where my mind, body and soul are at peace. I don’t say these things to brag or toot my own horn. My life is in no way perfect. But…despite the hurdles life has thrown at me and those mistakes I have done, I have Dared 2 Lift my life beyond the hurts of the past. My potential is no longer stifled and I am reaching my goals and making bigger and better goals to attain.

If my story connects with you, I invite you to be a part of the Dare 2 Lift It movement. I am ready to help you in any way I can.


Today I'm at peace because I healed my mind, body and soul.

Rejuvenate Your
Mind Body Soul |